понедельник, 10 февраля 2020 г.


As she sang in the restaurant "Romanitar", she noticed Svetomir Sesic - Only and invited her to record test recordings for Radio Belgrade, of which the song "Idem putem, pesma ori" and "Bisenija" remain as permanent recordings of Radio Belgrade [2] In , Merima got married and got her last name, Njegomir. About this blog merimanjegomirpodmoskovskeveceridownloadlink. Archives April Posted on April 5 Zajdi, zajdi, Marijo, kumrijo, Sejdefu majka bujashe, What are you, Leno, on the ground, I blew my all night my song, This morning my rose blossomed. podmoskovske veceri

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Archives April Subscribe to newsletter To be informed of the latest articles, subscribe:. You know her interpretations of traditional songs: In the same year she was granted podmosjovske status of free artist and became a mother - she gave birth to daughter Ljubica, and then to Milica and Jelena, and his son Marko.

Podmoskovske večeri

Merima Njegomir - Podmoskovske veceri. As she sang in the vecegi "Romanitar", she noticed Svetomir Sesic - Only and invited her to record test recordings for Radio Belgrade, of which the song "Idem putem, pesma ori" and "Bisenija" remain as permanent recordings of Radio Belgrade [2] InMerima got married and got her last name, Njegomir.

Newsletter Subscribe to be notified of future posts. She is the winner of the national pension of the Republic of Serbia.

podmoskovske veceri

Podmskovske to home page. Subscribe to the RSS feed. An outstanding artist is prominent. Gori, gori moja zvezdo Tri godine si me sanjala 6.

‎Podmoskovske veceri by Merima Njegomir on Apple Music

You might also like: About this blog merimanjegomirpodmoskovskeveceridownloadlink. Ciganka sam mala 5. Follow us Subscribe to the RSS feed. As editor of the national editorial office of RTS, she is dedicated to projects related to recording, preserving and promoting traditional music of Serbia.

She also recorded over permanent recordings of original songs for Radio Belgrade.

podmoskovske veceri

Posted on April 5 Zajdi, zajdi, Marijo, kumrijo, Sejdefu majka bujashe, Vecri are you, Leno, on the ground, I blew my all night my song, This morning my rose blossomed. As she veceir in the restaurant "Romanitar", she noticed Svetomir Sesic - Only and invited her to record test recordings for Radio Belgrade, of which the song "Idem putem, pesma ori" and "Bisenija" remain as permanent recordings of Radio Belgrade [2] As editor of the national editorial office of RTS, she is dedicated to projects related to recording, preserving and promoting traditional music of Serbia.

She is one of the few singers of folk music and the first singer of folk music who held concerts in Belgrade's Kolarac.

Poddmoskovske her interpretation she would cry the stone.

podmoskovske veceri

Cigani vole pesme 8. Visnjeve boje sal

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